Plant Tour
You specify it, you buy it, you put it on the plans as your pipe of choice…but have you ever wanted to see how precast pipe, box culverts, precast storm and sanitary structures are manufactured? It is quite an operation!
Interested in how concrete is cast, cured, tested and certified? Foley Products Company offers plant tours during the week to help clients, customers, engineers witness what we do.
Our goal is to educate and let you witness how we build a precast highly engineered product. These tours are designed to illustrate just how much technical expertise goes into each and every piece Foley Products Company produces. You can see how dry cast concrete is placed in a pipe form, compacted and vibrated, then immediately stripped from the form and standing on its own 8’ tall!

Foley Products Company precast facilities demonstrates our commitment and investment to the communities, the quality control initiatives for city officials and the engineering strength of our products to design engineers. Come see the versatility of today’s precast industry.
While there is no one set time or day for plant tours, earlier in the day works best because you can see the facility in full operation. Seeing is believing!
While we touch on the main aspects of the casting – including mixing, pouring, and testing our pieces – we will tailor the tour to your interests.
A standard tour last around 60 minutes, but can extend up to two hours depending on questions or more in-depth looks at different aspects of the facility. These tours can last as long as our guests need them to be. Our passion is to educate. (one PDH available for every hour you spend with us)